Passion is the fuel for the engine of a fulfilled life!
Before I say any more about goals, I want to pause to say a word about passion. Someone asked me the other day how they could find their passion. I had to think about this because I felt like I had known my passion all of my life. I want to describe passion because I believe the goals that we have the best chance of achieving are the ones that grow out of our passion.
The word “passion” is used so often that I was tempted not to use it at all. However, it is such a powerful concept which, properly understood, could direct you for the rest of your life.
My passion is helping people. That is also my mission in life. If I look back over my life, I can describe every season of my life as having been full of events and activities that relate to an effort to help others. There were times when I was more effective in helping people than at other times. And there were times when I enjoyed helping others, more than other times. There were even times when I tried not to want to help other people! But I grew to learn that this just isn’t who I am.
Read the full chapter in Say Yes When Life Says No Workbook.. Get your copy here.
Listen to my commentary on this chapter: The 31-Day Makeover: Day #3.