When Jesus steps in to radically alter your life as He did with Mr. Blind, He not only redeems your past but also alters your future. The day Mr. Blind received his sight, he had no idea how much it would redirect his future. He suddenly faced new nos in the form of unexpected challenges and new decisions to make his world of sight.
Can you relate? Sometimes we have one breakthrough in life only to encounter a new set of problems. Every time I reread John 9, I experienced more challenges in my decision-making and in my responses to life’s nos. I found I had two significant beliefs to overcome. The first had to with race. The history of racial injustices in this country was significant focus of my late teen years and early twenties. I had been exposed to personal indignities that made me bitter. The community where my family lived was not impoverished, but reminders about racial inequities were common throughout the community.