dfree® Lifestyle 2nd Edition Workbook (Amazon)

My goal is that you will discover more about yourself than you do about money by the time you complete this experience. That is why I call it the dfree® lifestyle. So says author Dr. DeForest B. Soaries, Jr., who shares vital keys to debt-free living in Say Yes to No Debt: 12 Steps to Financial Freedom, his book that features a groundbreaking, life-changing approach to debt elimination. The principles that dfree® promotes are very simple: No debt: Pay as we go use cash and debit cards rather than credit cards. Live without debt. No delinquencies: Pay bills on time avoid late payments and late fees. No deficits: Live below our means spend less than we earn. According to Dr. Soaries: These three principles translate into financial wellness and the money we find creates a path toward wealth creation


Additional information

Weight 8 oz
Print length

101 pages